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Dr. Maryellen Tedeschi is a naturopath with a vision to help thousands of women feel empowered when it comes to reclaiming their health and living radiant lives. She helps bridge the gap between women's health and their knowledge by sharing high-quality, accessible educational content on her Instagram page - information that can be easily applied in everyday life.

I developed visual guidelines for Dr. Maryellen's Instagram account and graphics for each post, building trust with her community through consistent, professionally-designed graphics. Maryellen’s Instagram posts feature a combination of text on plain backgrounds, hand-drawn illustrations, imagery with overlaid text, and infographics.

Dr. Maryellen Tedeschi

Visual Identity, Social Media Graphics

"I truly cannot thank Claire enough for all the magic [she’s] created over the last year."

– Dr. Maryellen Teschi


This brand raised the bar. 

Now it’s your turn.

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